Sunday, 26 February 2012

Wavemark-Lumedx RFID technology helps Florida Hospital reduce costs

HealthCare Management was recently informed of a product launch that could potentially, help hospitals lower their inventory costs, improve tracking of medical devices, and positively impact patient care.
The new RFID technology enabled system is being launched jointly byWavemark: a market leader in real-time inventory management (RTIM) solutions for the healthcare supply chain, and Lumedx, the market leader in developing end–to-end cardiovascular information and imaging systems.
Florida Hospital Pilot
A strategic customer to WaveMark and LUMEDX, Florida Hospital Orlando facilitated the development of this interface by becoming the pilot site. The  goal was to achieve accurate and timely inventory data that would enable the department to reduce its device and equipment inventory by $30,000 to $40,000. According to the RFID journal, the system allowed the department to post a savings of $65,000 at the end of the pilot.
From a patient care standpoint the system is expected to enhance the level of care and, the accuracy of their medical records while at the same time improving the billing process.
HealthCare Management plans to talk to WaveMark-Lumedx and, Florida hospital to bring you more details on the technology in future posts. Stay tuned!.

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