Sunday, 26 February 2012

Introducing Smart Patient Rooms

Smart Rooms at UPMC
Star Trek at Bedside
Imagine a hospital room, which recognizes doctors and nurses as they enter. Their name flashes on a flat panel screen for the patient and family to see. At the same time, a second monitor, shows the clinician exactly what they need to know at that moment to care for the patient. Information displayed includes: medication due, patient’s vital signs, and allergies. Does this sound like futuristic technology too good to be true? Well, it is not.
The smart room idea has already been developed and tested at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center(UPMC). They have been testing this since early October at their Shadyside campus. The idea for the Smart Room came about two years ago when a UPMC nurse wearing latex gloves unknowingly went to place an IV in a patient with a latex allergy, causing an allergic reaction
Effective Technology
According to the UPMC , the system uses ultrasound tracking to identify the clinicians that might come to advance the care process for a patient. Each worker is assigned a unique tag—smaller than a pager—that emits ultrasonic sound waves, when the person wearing the tag first enters the Smart Room. The ultrasound detector in the room reads the tag and identifies the caregiver by name and job title, displaying the information on a flat-screen monitor at the foot of the patient’s bed. When a caregiver leaves the room, the information disappears from the screen. In this pilot phase, tags have been assigned to doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, phlebotomists and dietary hosts and hostesses.
The biggest benefit of this innovation is in helping improve patient safety. Patient identification is a key factor in the care process and numerous errors can result from not verifying patient id. Smart rooms can help minimize that. In addition medication errors can be greatly reduced. Less obvious benefits can include, improving workflow and minimizing redundancy. The amount of time wasted in communication between care givers to gather information can also be impacted with this system.

UPMC team talks about smart room project!

Smart Room monitor at UPMC
We had previously featured an article on this site on the Smart patient roominnovation at the Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Since, then we have talked to David Sharbaugh(DS), the leader of the smart room project and,  a senior director at UPMC’s center for quality improvement and innovation and,Lucy Thompson(LT) one of the team members.
Today we bring you this exclusive interview.
What is the vision behind the smart room project ?
DS:  We believe this technology will enhance patient safety, allow clinicians to spend more time at the bedside, simplify the jobs of health care workers and improve overall patient satisfaction
Who are the people behind the smart room?
DS: The core development team consisted of 5 people. Working anywhere from part time to full time to complete most of the development. In addition, over the past six months a team of clinicians and medical technologists have worked on this.
Where does the ultrasound technology for Smart Rooms come from ?
DS: the system uses ultrasound tracking devices to identify the numerous caregivers whom a patient might encounter on any given day. UPMC used Sonitor technologies, as the vendor for buying the ultrasound tracking devices.
How much did it cost to build the smart room system?
DS/LT: Since it was internally developed, it mainly cost UPMC man-hours (or FTEs in health care parlance). But,  the total cost to the system would be approximately $2 per patient/day.
What clincal metrics does smart room system impact?
DS/LT: We are currently still compiling the metrics and observing the impact, but it is estimated that this system has reduced the time spent searching for allergies, demographics, since there is a visual cue provided to the care giver on the items that need to be completed. Medication safety is expected to impacted and patient safety, and, fall rate are some other metrics that are expected to improve. Currently, smart rooms are in the medical surgical floor.
How long did it take to train staff on this system?
LT/DS: There was minimal training for this, since the screen interfaces that staff and, physicians need to use are very intuitive.
Future enhancements to the Smart patient rooms system.
The Smart Room went live in early October and is being tested in six patient rooms at the UPMC Shadyside campus .They, told us that they are currently working on releasing the second version. The new version would include code information that will automatically display to the relevant care giver when a code is called.
In addition patient will be able schedule tests, get test results, and other information. Another possible enhancement is informative emails to patients!
We think this is innovative and will keep bringing you more information on future enhancements. So keep watching this space.

Wavemark-Lumedx RFID technology helps Florida Hospital reduce costs

HealthCare Management was recently informed of a product launch that could potentially, help hospitals lower their inventory costs, improve tracking of medical devices, and positively impact patient care.
The new RFID technology enabled system is being launched jointly byWavemark: a market leader in real-time inventory management (RTIM) solutions for the healthcare supply chain, and Lumedx, the market leader in developing end–to-end cardiovascular information and imaging systems.
Florida Hospital Pilot
A strategic customer to WaveMark and LUMEDX, Florida Hospital Orlando facilitated the development of this interface by becoming the pilot site. The  goal was to achieve accurate and timely inventory data that would enable the department to reduce its device and equipment inventory by $30,000 to $40,000. According to the RFID journal, the system allowed the department to post a savings of $65,000 at the end of the pilot.
From a patient care standpoint the system is expected to enhance the level of care and, the accuracy of their medical records while at the same time improving the billing process.
HealthCare Management plans to talk to WaveMark-Lumedx and, Florida hospital to bring you more details on the technology in future posts. Stay tuned!.

Are Web Based Electronic Medical Records Secure?

In an earlier post we examined how health care organizations are increasingly investing in clinical information systems( aka EMR) and, the benefits from such a system. As these systems have evolved, vendors(like with other application software) are increasingly migrating to a web based or online EMR systems. For as little as $500/month some vendors offer a full featured EMR system for physician offices, providing advanced features such as charting, drug interactions,  etc.
While some  physician offices and provider groups have bought into this (partly because they require considerably lower investment than  desktop based EMR software), there is still a lot of skepticism. Just as with any other new technology questions are being directed at the security of data on such systems. This is amplified due to sensitive patient data and, payment information residing in such systems.
Houston Neal at SoftwareAdvice, recently told us about his article on the double standards that exist in healthcare when it comes to evaluating the security of web based Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems. He notes that vendors of such web based EMR software put in considerable resources and efforts to secure data exchange, data storage and, data integrity.
How Vendors secure medical data in web based EMR
To protect data transmitted between a physician office and the server, vendors use HIPAA-compliant data encryption technologies, the standard being 128-bit secure socket layer (SSL) encryption. The servers are powered with firewalls to block illegitimate traffic, and intrusion detection systems to monitor when someone tries to hack the system. In addition, vendors safeguard the data center where the server exists, storing the server in a highly secure compartment with un-interruptible power, air filtration and advanced fire suppression systems. At the physician’s office, software will have permission settings for each user, allowing them to access the EMR only during specified hours and days of the week.
While there are definitely some valid unanswered questions about security and HIPAA compliance of such systems, it does look like many of the questions are being answered by the top quality software vendors.
Now, we wonder how many exisiting health care providers or even large acute care hospitals currently have such sophisticated secure data centers ?  We will leave that question as food for thought.

How Apple iPad can revolutionize Health Care?

When Steve Jobs got on stage Wednesday, to release Apple’s latest creation the iPad, he described the iPad as a magical and revolutionary device. Whether it is truly revolutionary from a technology standpoint or not, is a debate best reserved for the tech pundits like Endgadget. But we are are more interested how it can revolutionize health care. So here is how we think the iPad can do this.
1. Accelerate electronic medical records adoption in hospitals- eMR and eHR have been talked about for a while but there is still a lot of resistance and inertia in the healthcare community. We think the popularity of the iPad can help change that in a way tablet pcs never could.
2. Apps for health care- There’s an app for that. Imagine what web 2.0 did to the airline and restaurant business. Reviews, reservations, social networking. We think iPad will serve as a platform for all those innovative app developers (App developers are you reading this ?).
Everything from scheduling a doctor’s visit to viewing your x-ray (yes on that gorgeous AMOLED 9.7 inch screen ).
3. Paperless for real – Remove clutter and Free up space in Emergency departments and urgent care clinics- There is no need for a registration desk with a big clunky desktop. No paper work to deal with for Reg and insurance staff.
4. More time at bedside and with the patient – If you have ever been to an Emergency department or urgent care, the word waiting has new meaning for you. We think that the iPad adoption in hospitals can reduce the time doctors and nurses spend walking to a nurse’s station or desk to wait for results or write orders and spend more time at bed side. Which means that they can focus more on taking care of you working on the iPad. Research has shown that this can improve outcomes and improve quality of care.
5. Improve communication and entertainment options – Remember the last time you were at your Dentist or Doctor’s office. What did you do in the waiting room? Now imagine reading that Cosmopolitan, the Healthcare Management blog or whatever else you like to read. And while you are reading that your screen flashes with an update on your wait time, test result or even a prompt with some information on your illness. Same if you are in the waiting room of a surgery center eager to hear about your loved one. The possibilities are endless.
Magical or not, the more popular the iPad gets we believe it can revolutionize health care delivery and, without the tedious debates on Capitol Hill.

Health : Smart Pills

Health 3.0
Earlier on this blog we had profiled a bunch of innovative health care solutions that associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.We had even cutely called itHealth 2.0.
But now we think there is another quantum leap in technology and hence we decided to take the lead and coin the term Health 3.0.
Smart Pills
Want an example of a Health 3.0 product? Try Smart pills. U.S.-based Proteus Biomedical is working to create “smart pills” that can transmit data from inside the body to monitor patients’ vital signs and check they have taken medicines as prescribed.
We think in the not so distant future, your nurse or doctor might not be asking you if you took your pills(although your mom might). Instead they are most likely to be looking up data on their mobile phones, tablets or desktops.
Stay tuned for more on our Health 3.0 series.

Strategies for growing hospital volume

Volume trends in US healthcare – Shift from hospital to non-hospital settings
Over the past five years, hospital inpatient and outpatient admissions are growing at a much smaller rate than non-hospital based outpatient services. A clear case in the point being outpatient surgeries. Increasingly, outpatient surgeries are moving to non-hospital based settings, taking with them the observation, follow-up and possibly some Med surg volumes (see below)
Competition for Market share
The current payment system is also fuelling this trend, as it gives non-hospital providers an advantage in that they are able to focus on most profitable services (such as opthamalogy). While, hospitals face a higher cost structure to support unprofitable but essential services (such as inpatient psychiatric units). In metro areas like Houston, for instance small, ful service facilities are springing up as a result of joint ventures between physicians and Wall street based venture capital funds.
This means now more than ever, traditional hospitals need to have strategies in place to fight for market share with these free standing centers.
5 Strategies for maintaining and growing volume
1. Increase outpatient services capabilities to compete on equal footing with freestanding ASCs
2. Consolidate core programs to better withstand market competition – Build strong programs in profitable areas such as thoracic surgery, ENT and Oncology
3. Integrate physicians into strategic planning, management and governance – A close analysis of the freestanding ASC type centers reveals over 60% of these facilities are developed by physicians or physicians in conjunction with another entity.
4. Build in Quality and increase it’s visibility – Do what Toyota did in the auto industry. Drive process and quality improvement and build your hospital brand around these initiatives and outcomes (Eg: Lowest infection rates in the city).
5. Invest in and utilize Business intelligence – To stay ahead of the curve you need to know, where you are in relation to your competition so continuously and rigorously measure and feedback business intelligence to your managers and administrators

Save time with Med Wait Time

ER Wait Times
The holy grail of efficiency in doctors offices, emergency rooms and urgent cares is reducing wait times for patients. Lower time improves patient satisfaction the overall patient experience immensely.
Today you can order a book on Amazon and know how long before you get it, you can can check if your flight is delayed online and get alerts on your phone. But same was not true about health care until now. Yes, now you can get wait time at your nearest ER or urgent care or even information on your doctors office appointments.
There’s an app for that!
Med wait time splash
Earlier on this blog we had talked about how the ipad and mobile devices can actually revolutionize health care. We call it health 3.0.
Med wait time started by Vishal Mehta an orthopedic and sports medicine physician has turned our health 3.0 vision into reality. In May last year he teamed up with a couple of partners to launch the application online and even created an iphone app for that. Vishal spoke to us and said his team is now working on a Android app and now has the ability to send wait times and appointment information as text messages to phones where people do not have a smart phone device or prefer receiving text messages.
Patients can also make appointments through the site. And it’s absolutely free for patients. Doctors offices and ER, Urgent Care can sign up for a small fee and offer all the cool features to their patients. Vishal shared that about 300 clients had already signed up with Med wait time in the chicago area.
For any of our technically inclined readers,if providers currently have an EMR system med wait time plugs into the system and automatically updates information. The manual option is also available for offices where no automated systems are currently available.
We at Healthcare Management Blog will be keenly watching Med Wait Time and bring you updates on any future enhancements or growth. So stay tuned. In the meanwhile do check their app in the app store, if you are in the chicago area or just would like to try it out.

The State of Cloud Standards

As cloud computing adoption rates soar, standards groups see promise with establishing aligned interfaces, rules written into RFPs and SLAs, and harmonized government legislation.
Those were prime expectations for the near-term of cloud computing from discussion topics during an update on cloud standards held Thursday between U.S. and European standards organizations. The virtual summit was led by the Open Data Center Alliance and held in conjunction with the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), standards consortium OMG, storage and networking standards group SNIA, and the European telecommunications and network standards group, ETSI. All of the organizations are doing their own work with end users and vendors to establish cloud standards, which are then discussed among the organizations in bi-weekly calls.
Although representatives from the five organizations stopped short of exact timelines and strict guidelines in the discussion, they each provided insight on the direction of standards in the coming year.
ETSI Cloud Chairman Mike Fisher said updated cloud regulation for data privacy, security and accountability is expected this year from the U.S. and European Union, and there are also high-level discussion among Asian leaders. Fisher cautioned that too much diversion on ownership could cause a legal “nightmare” over adoption, particularly in Europe, and urged both cloud vendors and end users to lend their insight to government leaders.
“I think the overall goal [of legislation] is to be similar, certainly with a level of data protection,” Fisher said. “There will be some national and regional differences, but I think the will is there. Whether it’s in place in the right way depends on [if] the people drafting the legislation really understand where the technology is taking us.”
Winston Bumpus, DMTF president, said his group has reviewed interfaces submitted by vendors and that, by and large, they are more alike than they are different. Establishing a base expectation of interfaces in the near future would address end user concerns over portability, functionality and cost, and could provide a better launch point for vendors on competitive innovation. More input from vendors is ongoing, as well as testing from users, some which has already been embraced by the U.S. government-supported NIST.
Richard Soley, chairman and CEO of OMG, noted that issues raised with security of data in the cloud are often matters that could be covered in a comprehensive service level agreement. A scope of cloud security standards could be written into SLAs and even RFPs to give stability to the largest lingering concern over deployment, Soley said.
Bumpus said during the discussion that the formulation of standards represents a “once in a decade opportunity to revolutionize how computing is done.”
“We’ve been chasing this dream of distributed computing for lots of years and I think we could, with a few key standards, really change the face of computing and what customers deal with and how things are interoperable,” said Bumpus.